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European citizens can use their own (notified) national identification and authentication means to access online services privided by Belgian authorities.

This authentication method is refered to as eIDAS authentication, with eIDAS standing for ‘Electronic Identification And Trust Services’ as per the European legislation ‘Regulation (EU) 910/2014’. The primary objective of this legislation is to facilitate cross-border digital transactions (interoperability) among citizens of the European Union, aiming to foster economic and social development among participating countries.

If you’re country is one of the countries below, you might have a European electronic identification mean that is eIDAS certified:


Individuals with French or British nationality will not be able to log in via eIDAS. You will be need to use the CSAM registration.

What do I need to log into eIDAS ?

To be able to log in to KLIP, you need to do a couple of steps:

  1. Register as a private person to obtain a Belgian national identification number

  2. Use that number to be connected to a company (and be able to use KLIP for that company)

As a private person, you can use KLIP, but only for private use, not for professional use.

Registering as a Professional for KLIP

Step 1: Apply for a Belgian BIS Number

For initial eIDAS login, you will need your European electronic identification meansBelgian national identification number, email address, and telephone number.

Subsequent logins to eIDAS will only require your European electronic identification means.

If you have not yet obtained a Belgian national identification number, you can obtain one as follows:

  1. Access a platform that allows login via the eIDAS button

    1. Examples of test environments:

      1. KLIP Test Environment

      2. Self-Registration Test Environment for Foreign Companies

    2. Examples of production environments:

      1. KLIP Production Environment

      2. Self-Registration for Legal Representatives of Foreign Companies

  2. Click on the eIDAS button (afbeelding-20240620-134614.png)

  3. Click on the flag of your country and follow the login procedure

  4. Fill out your Belgian identification number, or check the box stating you do not have one

    1. afbeelding-20240620-134643.png

  5. Complete the form with your personal information (NOT work details)

  6. Finish the procedure

Step 2: Register the Company in Gebruikersbeheer Vlaanderen

Depending on whether the company has a Belgian company number, follow the appropriate process:

  1. If the company has a Belgian company number:

    1. The legal representative of the company logs in to Gebruikersbeheer Vlaanderen

    2. Assign a Local Administrator to manage user rights

  2. If the company does not have a Belgian company number:

    1. Send an extract from the trade register of the country where the company is established to

      1. Ensure the extract includes the name(s) of the legal representative(s).

    2. Follow the link for Self-Registration for Legal Representatives of Foreign Companies.

      1. If the legal representative does not have a Belgian identification number, they have to complete Step 1 first.

    3. The Veiligheidsbouwstenen team will link the legal representative to the company and appoint them as the Local Administrator.

Step 3: Appoint another Local Administrator (recommended)

At this moment, the legal representative of the company is the only person who grant rights in Gebruikersbeheer Vlaanderen.

However, the legal representative of the company can delegate these tasks to a colleague:

  1. Foreign company numbers must be hard-coded into the URL.

    1. For Belgian companies, you can add the company number in the form.

  2. If needed, let this colleague complete Step 1 first.

Step 4: Getting permission to use KLIP for the company

Employees request KLIP rights via self-registration links:

Map Requesters

Utility Managers (permissions only available after approval)

The Local Administrator approves or denies these requests in Gebruikersbeheer Vlaanderen

Once you have been registered in the Identity Management System of the Flemish Government, you will be able to log into KLIP via the tile “eIDAS” on behalf of this company.

  1. Foreign company numbers must be hard-coded into the URL.

    1. For Belgian companies, you can add the company number in the form.

  2. If needed, let this colleague complete Step 1 first.

Trouble in Paradise?

If you have any questions or issues with creating a professional account, get in touch with our service desk via

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